you can tell a lot about a girl through simple things. girls who bury themselves within old poetry for their own pleasure are all nymphomaniac sociopaths; though never violent to anyone but themselves.
and most normal girls were forced into NEETdom in a way they had never before by the lockdown. little social butterflies were forced to learn to engage online and thrown in the pot with all the power NEETs they have come in contact within the depths of the internet hell.
now in a sizzling hotpot of internet characters and personas, it has become extremely common for individuals online to express their identities through an artfully curated list of the things that they consume, or more so aspire to consume.
the new-age girl is just a normal girl that is being corrupted by their endurance of chronic online and spiritual abuse, thus leading them to remain stuck in a constant parable of who they truly are; needing to appeal to a plethora of online playing grounds.
i’m Not addicted to the internet Its like Water its like drinking water I’m not addicted to Water its literally good for me Im literally made of Water the same way Im Online, I’m Wired up its the same thing Its Good 4me Its nourishment I’m doing cellular respiration On ethernet
the new age girl is unknown. she is no longer Locke’s idea of a blank slate..she is an archive like the Library of Alexander.